About Us
The Southend Safeguarding Partnership (SSP) is made up of the Southend Safeguarding Partnership Adults (SSPA) & the Southend Safeguarding Partnership Children (SSPC) ;
The Southend Safeguarding Partnership (Adults) (SSPA): aims to ensure the safety and protection of Adults with care and support needs within the City.
The Southend Safeguarding Partnership (Children) (SSPC): aims to ensure the safety and protection of Children with care and support needs within the City.
Both partnerships aim to ensure the safety and protection of those within the borough with care and support needs and who are subsequently less able than others to defend themselves against the threat of abuse, exploitation, or neglect. It achieves this by working with Essex Police, Southend health agencies, Southend social care and Southend voluntary agencies to ensure that adults & children, their support agencies and the wider community, can raise awareness about abuse, develop a culture that does not tolerate abuse and prevent abuse from happening wherever possible.
Where abuse does happen, the Southend Safeguarding Partnership and their partner agencies are able to support and safeguard the rights of people who are harmed; stop abuse from continuing; and improve the victim’s access to any services they may need, such as advocacy, post-abuse support, or legal services.
Consult with adults and children with care and support needs and their carers to ensure that the safeguarding process is as efficient as possible.
Constantly review Southend, Essex and Thurrock (SET) Safeguarding Procedures to ensure they are up to date.
Ensure that training carried out across Southend meets the SET Training Strategy.
Link the work of the SSP to the wider crime and disorder reduction work.
Publish an Annual Strategic Plan detailing the SSP’s priorities and an Annual Report to detail how they met those priorities.
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