
 As technology evolves, the internet provides new challenges as well as new opportunities. Rather than blocking, filtering, and avoiding online services for fear of potential risks, Southend Safegaurding (Adults) Partnership (SSPA) instead works to identify strategies and promote initiatives that can help adults avoid online exploitation. Issues affecting online safety can be placed in one of four broad categories:


Contact, which may be inappropriate or unwelcome, and can include grooming, online exploitation, or arranging to meet strangers.


Conduct, which can include cyber-bullying, exposure to material that incites violence or hatred, incitement to dangerous activities, and other online antisocial behaviour.


Content, which may include exposure to socially unacceptable material and can include images and video uploaded by others or by the user themselves.


Commerce, which can include gambling, inappropriate commercial advertising, phishing, identity theft, or other online scams.

The SSPA is keen to address On-line Safety issues affecting adults with care and support needs, and will use its collective experience to develop strategies designed to keep adults safe in a rapidly evolving online world. It is also using its resources to raise awareness of online fraud and phishing, as well as promoting safer social media and targeting pressure selling on the telephone, by post, and on the doorstep.

#DITTO is a free online safety (e-safety) magazine for schools, organizations and parents to keep you up to date with risks, issues, advice and guidance related to keeping children safe online, with a view to enjoying and learning about technology. A new edition is released approx. every 6 weeks.

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